Let’s Animate…

3D Animations and Stills I created in my spare time. Great to learn new things and explore different techniques. Most of the final results will never see the light of day, but some, some do.

Here is an even smaller selection.



My entry for the Kitbash 3D In-Motion #KB3DChallenge
Best collab evah! @ilona.stoker ❤️

First collaboration with my girlfriend. Combining my 3D skills and her writing skills we made a commercial advertising a Timeshare opportunity on a newly discovered and revitalized planet. Shangri-La is the first of seven Magic Places, described in multiple ancient texts dating back to the early Tibetan times, that has been made available for Timeshare owners in the Minerva Galaxy. On this planet you find all the luxury one wants.
From Karaoke bar's and Casino's to a Wellness Centre and a fantastic ocean view Diner!

Due to the extend of the animation and the amount of scenes needing rendering I had to cut hard in details and render settings.
Making these somewhat difficult decisions did end up saving enough time to make the deadline. Although I feel I haven't finished yet I'm really happy with the end result. Most important because this first project together made us realize that we can work together and
have a same look and feel, sense of humour and work ethic.
For this reason only I am happy we have delivered a awesome Timeshare Scam commercial.

* Will be working on some shots, to add as stills, to see how far I could have pushed it if no deadline was breathing down my neck.
**Note these stills are NOT added as an entry for the Concept Art Awards , purely my own enthusiasm to play a bit more.


Doodles from the early days.